Biotechnology & Biologics

HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER regularly advises clients on intellectual property and regulatory issues in the rapidly evolving field of biotechnology, branded biologics and biosimilars. Our team is comprised of highly experienced IP attorneys with an in-depth understanding of the legal, technical, regulatory and business issues that arise in this complex field and how they impact our clients.

Effective patent and regulatory protection in the biotech and biologics field requires an integrated approach, which takes into account various aspects. We have a proven regulatory and litigation track record in biotech and biologics and have experience dealing with technologies such as antibody therapies, biocompatible materials, biologically produced or genetically modified food ingredients and chemicals, protein therapies, and genetically modified crops. Our experience in and outside the courtroom and across all relevant practice areas allows us to determine and follow up on unique patent and regulatory strategies for each individual case, thereby offering our clients maximum leverage.

    • Conducting multinational litigation regarding adalimumab, a TNF inhibitor used to treat autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.
    • Conducting patent litigation with respect to a C1-esterase inhibitor to treat hereditary angioedema.
    • Providing representation for basic patents relating to the pioneering phage display technology.
    • Conducting patent litigation regarding lixisenatide, an injectable GLP-1 receptor agonist for the treatment of type II
    • Enforcing a patent for an arylsulfatase-free lactase preparation to prevent off-flavours in lactose-free UHT milk.
    • Conducting patent litigation with respect to PCSK9 antibodies to inhibit cholesterol.
    • Enforcing and defending the validity of formulation patents for fulvestrant, a selective estrogen receptor degrader for the treatment of hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer.
    • Conducting patent litigation regarding genetically modified soybeans, including representation before the CJEU.
    • Conducting patent litigation with respect to microbial oils with omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenic acid (DHA) and the omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid (ARA) as nutritional supplements in infant formula.
    • Conducting patent litigation regarding a method for preparing virally inactivated intravenously injectable immune serum globulin.
    • Conducting litigation relating to an SPC for monoclonal breast cancer antibodies.
    • Conducting patent litigation relating to conjugate vaccines against streptococcus pneumoniae using at least two different carrier proteins.
    • Conducting patent litigation with respect to golimumab, a novel fully human anti-TNF-alpha antibody.
    • Conducting patent litigation regarding a purification process used in vaccine manufacturing.
    • Providing representation in relation to a portfolio of patents in the pediatric meningococcal vaccine field.
    • Conducting patent regarding animal feed additives.
    • Conducting patent litigation with respect to insulin glargine to treat
    • Conducting litigation in relation to a patent for darunavir, an antiretroviral medication used to treat and prevent HIV/AIDS.
    • Conducting patent litigation relating to a baking enzyme to strengthen dough.
    • Conducting patent litigation regarding a bacterial phytase to minimize the anti-nutrient effects of phytate in the digestive system of animals.

Find your expert

Anne Servoir


Dr. Jeroen den Hartog

CounselPatent Attorney

Theo Blomme


Ling-Ling Dorsch

Senior Associate

Sabine Agé


Dr. Tung-Gia Du

CounselPatent Attorney

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