29 januari 2020
The European legislator has been forced to note the inadequacy of existing exceptions to the digital age in which we live: the use of works…
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28 januari 2020
Following the referendum of 23 June 2016 on the membership of the United Kingdom (« UK ») to the European Union (« EU »)…
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27 januari 2020
The Broadcasting Directive (1) aims to contribute to the Digital Single Market by allowing a wider dissemination of radio and television programmes throughout the EU…
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24 januari 2020
Introduction The Copyright package also includes a Directive, already transposed into Belgian law by the law of 25 November 2018 (1), and a…
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23 januari 2020
Introduction The Portability Regulation is one of the first legal instruments adopted to implement the digital single market strategy, more particularly as to…
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21 januari 2020
On 6 May 2015, the European Commission announced its ‘Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe’ (1). This strategy was based on three pillars: A better…
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14 januari 2020
EU intellectual property boutique firm HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER has promoted Caroline Levesque and Christina Tenbrock to the partnership. Caroline Levesque joined the…
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17 december 2019
Tobias Hahn, Partner of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER in Düsseldorf, refers to the defendant's FRAND defense outside of mobile telephony
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