Karsten Müller advises and represents national and international clients in the field of intellectual property law. He f...
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16 maart 2023
We are thrilled to announce that no less than 22 lawyers across several jurisdictions and all our offices are top-ranked in this year’s recently published…
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9 maart 2023
In three rulings handed down on 1st February 2023, the Cour de cassation (the French highest civil court) applied, for the first time, the teachings…
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9 maart 2023
We are very proud of our confirmed Tier 1 position in JUVE Patent France’s latest rankings, listing French patent…
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8 maart 2023
Today, the 8th of March, we commemorate International Women’s Day. This year’s United Nations theme is all about embracing equity; emphasizing…
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Inez ten Brink is actief op alle gebieden van het intellectueel eigendomsrecht.
Inez specialiseerde zich in het intellec...
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Pablo is the Academic Counsel of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER’s office in Madrid. Extraordinary End of Career Award, Doctor of Eu...
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Rosalie ten Wolde is actief op alle gebieden van het intellectueel eigendomsrecht.
Rosalie studeerde in 2022 af aan de U...
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