Prof. Dr. Pablo Fernández Carballo-Calero
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Academic Counsel
Pablo is the Academic Counsel of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER’s office in Madrid. Extraordinary End of Career Award, Doctor of European Law from the University of Bologna, with complementary education from the London School of Economics, Columbia University, Institute of European and Comparative Law (Oxford) and the Centre for European Legal Studies (Cambridge). Pablo is currently Full Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Vigo. He is recognized for his publications and lectures in all aspects of Intellectual Property Law, including patents, trademarks and copyright, as well as in the field of Unfair Competition and Advertising. In particular, he is the author of more than 75 scientific publications that include the monographs “Pubblicità occulta e product placement” [« Hidden advertising and product placement »] (CEDAM, 2004), “La reforma de la Ley de Competencia Desleal” [« The Reform of the Unfair Competition Act »] (La Ley, 2010) -in co-authorship with the professors Anxo Tato and Christian Herrera)- “La propiedad intelectual de las obras creadas por inteligencia artificial” [“The Intellectual Property of the Works Created by Artificial Intelligence”] (Aranzadi, 2021), or “25 Things You Should Know About Artificial Intelligence Art and Copyright” (Aranzadi, 2022). He is the author or co-author of more than 30 expert and legal reports and has received various research awards.
Nos bureaux
C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 36, 5.º dcha.
28001 Madrid
Adresse postale:
C/ Príncipe de Vergara, 36, 5.º dcha.
28001 Madrid
Universidad de Vigo (Law, 2000)
University of Bologna (Doctoral Thesis, 2004)
London School of Economics (2005, 2007)
Columbia University (2010)
Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law (2012, 2013)
Cambridge Centre for European Legal Studies (2015)