20 April 2021
HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER is ranked as a TOP-TIER FIRM in 10 practice areas and recommended in 7 additional practice areas, counting 5 experts in the…
14 April 2021
On 22 April, the Federal Circuit Bar Association will organise a webinar „Dispute Resolution Challenges: Innovation, Self-Help and Judicial Systems“. Partner Sabine Agé will…
31 März 2021
On Tuesday 30 March Managing IP hosted its -first virtual- annual EMEA IP Awards ceremony, recognizing remarkable achievements and developments in the past year, honoring…
24 März 2021
For the first time, lawyers and business experts were asked to single out the best lawyers in 20 legal fields. WirtschaftsWoche, together with the…
19 März 2021
Chambers & Partners Europe has published its rankings yesterday: we are very pleased as more than 20…
Joscha Torweihe berät und vertritt nationale und internationale Mandanten in allen Bereichen des gewerblichen Rechtsschu...
8 März 2021
Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day (IWD) which celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also…
3 März 2021
JUVE Patent’s France ranking 2021 analyses the new trends and developments shaping the country’s courts. We are very proud of our tier 1 position. Thank…