27 Juni 2023
We are thrilled to see all our offices ranked in IAM Patent 1000’s GOLD Tier. The IAM Patent 1000 shines a spotlight…
22 Juni 2023
Yesterday, Managing IP hosted its in-person EMEA awards ceremony in London. The Awards programme recognises law firms, companies, and practitioners for their intellectual property…
Paul Raijmakers berät und vertritt nationale und internationale Mandanten in allen Bereichen des gewerblichen Rechtsschu...
Dr. Tung-Gia Du ist ein europäischer Patentanwalt. Als Fachmann für Biochemie, Biotechnologie, Medizintechnik und Pharma...
28 April 2023
Congratulations to partners Sabine Agé, Laura Alonso, Fabienne Brison, Laura Fresco and Christine…
26 April 2023
This year, World Intellectual Property Day is all about celebrating the “can do” attitude of women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs around the world…
13 April 2023
HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER is listed as a TOP-TIER FIRM in 10 practice areas and recommended in 7 additional practice areas in The Legal 500 EMEA…
Ine’s practice covers all aspects of intellectual property law and pharmaceutical regulatory law, as well as unfair mark...