Nathalie Rodriguez Arigon
‚A fully dedicated and very experienced team assisting both in terms of legal strategy and competencies than technical support‘.
Legal 500
Nathalie Rodriguez Arigon practices in all areas of intellectual property law, with a focus on patents. She represents national and international clients before the Unified Patent Court (UPC) and the Dutch courts in patent cases. Her experience extends to various technological fields, including pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, telecommunications and mechanics.
Nathalie graduated from the University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Information Law (IViR) in 2019 with a Master’s Degree in Information Law. Nathalie joined the Amsterdam office of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER in 2019. In 2024, she spent a few months in the Madrid office of HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER as part of their internal exchange program.
Nathalie Rodriguez Arigon has registered Intellectual Property Law as her principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal practice areas (rechtsgebiedenregister). Based on this registration, she is required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in this principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
- BioNTech v. Moderna. Defending BioNTech against the alleged infringement of Moderna’s patents on their mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
- Astellas v. Synthon. Defending Astellas in invalidity proceedings against their formulation patent regarding Xtandi tablets to treat prostate cancer.
- Hanwha Solutions Corporation v. LONGi Solar. Representing Hanwha in patent infringement proceedings regarding solar panel technology, obtaining a cross-border injunction in the Netherlands without there being a Dutch part of the enforced European patent.
- Apple v. Ericsson. Defending Apple in respect of the alleged infringement of a large number of standard essential and non-standard essential patents of Ericsson.
- Essity v. MTS Euro Products. Representing Essity in infringement proceedings with respect to their patent regarding end plugs that are used in hand towel roll dispensers.
- Cook v. Boston Scientific. Defending Cook in respect of the alleged infringement of Boston Scientific’s patent regarding a medical device.
- Member of the Standing Committee Patents at the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
- Young European Patent Lawyers Association (Young EPLAW)
- A. van Duijn, E. Feenstra, B. van der Maazen, N.C. Rodriguez Arigon en M. van der Velden, Terugblik Octrooirecht 2021, BIE 2022/2
- A. van Duijn, E. Feenstra, B. Mooij, N.C. Rodriguez Arigon en M. van der Velden, Terugblik Octrooirecht 2022, BIE 2023/2
- S. Fest en N.C. Rodriguez Arigon, Kroniek Intellectuele eigendomsrecht, Advocatenblad 2022/6
- S. Fest en N.C. Rodriguez Arigon, Kroniek Intellectuele eigendomsrecht, Advocatenblad 2023/7
- I.M. ten Brink en N.C. Rodriguez Arigon, Kroniek Intellectuele eigendomsrecht, Advocatenblad 2024/7
Rembrandt Tower, 30th floor
Amstelplein 1
1096 HA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 94361
1090 GJ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
University of Amsterdam (Information Law, LLM, 2019)
Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid (Exchange Program, 2018)
Leiden University (Law, LLB, 2017)